Facts of your yearly Gynaecological Screening : Things to expect in the process

Yearly gynaecological screening plays a crucial role in maintaining health and all-round wellbeing in a woman in her day-to-day life.  While gynaecological diagnosis and treatments become very delicate and apprehensive elsewhere, at GreenMed, the top hospital in Hyderabad patients avail the best care and comprehensive treatment to regain their well-being and sound health.

The things you need to expect during the process
  • Analysis of Medical history of the patient:
    Your gynaecological treatment process begins right from the point of discussion of your medical history including that of the current symptoms, medication and treatment or the prominent health changes.
  • Physical Test:
    The test particularly includes pelvic tests to ascertain the condition of the reproductive systems. The process might demand a visual or manual test of the external area of the genitalia and even internal organs in the pelvic.
  • Pap Smear Procedure:
    In the case of women over 21 years old the test like pap smear is rather crucial to test for cervical cancer to find out any abnormal cells that could signal early signs of cancer.
  • Screening of breasts:
    A medical test of the breast is always needed to ascertain the condition of it and check for any unusual lumps or changes in it.
  • Discussion over contraceptive and health conditions:
    In the discussion process your gynaecologist at GreenMed will analyse your contraceptive options and will find out if there are any reproductive health issues or threats to proceed further to offer you the personalised treatments.
How and why Gynaecological examination matters:

Frequent and regular gynaecological screening is paramount to detect potential health issues such as infections, hormonal irregularities or dreaded disease like cancer. The screening opens the door to medical guidance and personalised health advice to have better reproductive health.

At GreenMed is a highly recognised and one of the top gynaecological hospitals in Hyderabad, we are continuously creating waves by offering top class healthcare in gynaecological treatment and surgery. Our highly efficient team is committed to top-notch gynaecological treatment making sure that every woman gets the best and comprehensive care tailored for her.